About Us

Resolute Custom Solutions offers integrated information technology solutions, backed by quality products and services and a strong, dedicated team of professionals. Our solutions are tested not only for quality but to make sure they are easy to use. Our customers are actively involved in the evolution of our products which ensures they are industry specific and relate to real businesses just like yours. We are focused on helping your business grow. All of our products are carefully created to help improve efficiency and save money so that you can focus on customer service, expansion and competition.

Technical Support available

We offer an incredible support for all our customers, join our happy client team cause you deserve the best service. Our representative will work closely with you to ensure you have the tools you need. We value providing cutting-edge, industry-specific technology that helps you win. You and your business are unique and you deserve service that honors that. Each of our customers is a partner whose time and resources are valuable and to be used to maximum efficiency.

(263) 775 741 820

We aim to become a regionally recognized brand name, capitalizing on the sustained interest in information technology. Our goal is moderate growth, annual profitability and creating the best possible solutions for our clients.